Can you and your partner relate?
You fell madly in love, but not seeing eye to eye on your finances is getting in the way. You're ready for intimacy, connection, financial security, and success.

You may have experienced one of these scenarios...
You are having disagreements about spending and saving even though you're doing fine financially. Emotional outbursts shut down the conversation and communication dissolves.
Fears, mistakes, and mishaps from the past are impacting your current relationship. You may be keeping financial secrets (or fear your partner is) and want to develop more trust.
Things don't feel fair financially and in the relationship, but you don't want to be disrespectful to your partner about their financial contribution.
You’re in the right place.
The Couples Guide to Financial Intimacy will help you heal your relationship with yourself, your partner, and money.
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What Are The Potential Costs Of Not Acting Now?
Failing to build financial intimacy NOW with your partner may cost you in the FUTURE.
Here's what some of my past clients have said...
"This divorce is costing me my retirement, we just hit our peak earning years at 55 and now it is all gone." - Sam S.
""I wish I would have known this 20 years ago, I would have all that compounding interest back and saved us from countless money fights. That would be hundreds of thousands of dollars." - John. P
"I spent decades angry and resentful about her spending on the home shopping network. We wish our financial planner would have known it was a lot more than just getting her on a budget. Now we realize the real problem was our relationship disconnection and pain from our pasts that blocked us." - Stan and Ann

Weekly therapy or coaching can cost upwards of $250 per week. In 6-months that’s $6000.
That’s the cost if you go to therapy. When you neglect to develop financial intimacy and a deeper understanding in your relationship it can sometimes lead to divorce.
The average cost of a divorce in the U.S. is nearly $13,000.
...and that only covers lawyers and proceedings, not the division of assets and the breaking down of the wealth you’ve both spent your lives working to build.
This program will save you money, time, and strife both personally and in your relationship.
As a couple you'll be able to...
use financial empathy to navigate challenging money topics
work with each other's styles of connection to foster financial intimacy
take action on the financial goals that are important for the two of you to tackle
What's Inside:
Module 1
Building Blocks of Great Communication
It’s not about the money! Wait or is it? Most people can easily recognize that financial communication can stall out, blow up in fights, or otherwise just be difficult.
Effective communication is the obvious solution to most of these problems.
Excellent communication skills are the bedrock on which a strong financial and intimate life is built on.
So let’s start there and make sure you have the basics down.
- Learn to develop and use financial empathy
- Understand connection on a deeper level.
Module 2
The Glue That Bonds:
Attachment Theory
Do you even get me? Stop trying to control me!
Connection is critical to financial intimacy.
It seems like it should be easy and yet it proves so difficult to stay connected during your most trivial and important financial conversations.
Once you know about attachment styles you will have a relationship road map to navigating both the everyday and most important financial conversations and decisions.
- Learn what you and your partner’s primary attachment style is
- Discover how attachment styles can change and how you can work to change yours
Module 3
The Marvelous Brain & Mind in Financial Intimacy
It’s all in your head! Well maybe not, but your brain sure is an important part of financial decision-making.
Don’t worry you don’t have to become a brain scientist. We are going to keep it simple. Yet this module will profoundly impact the way you’ve been looking at financial decisions and behaviors.
- Learn the three major areas of their brain that impact your money decision making
- Understand how your brain is a social organ designed to help you connect and utilize this to your advantage
Module 4
All The Feels:
Exposing The Role of Emotions & Feelings in Financial Intimacy
You hurt my feelings.
What do feelings have to do with anything related to money?
Money is one of those topics that is guaranteed to activate intense feelings and emotions.
- Learn about the full set of emotions we have as humans and how they powerfully impact your financial decision making
- Understand how to work with emotions and what this will do for your finances and your relationship. Explore how your emotional patterns around money have developed and what you can do to shift them
Module 5
The Long Legacy of Our Families and Financial Intimacy
You have one, I have one, we all have one. Our families can be both our greatest source of joy, hope, and love as well as pain, misery, and despair. No matter how hard we try we can never outrun our families.
You will learn about family systems and the very predictable ways that families interact with each other in good times and bad and how this impacts how you and your partner interact with money today.
- Learn how your family is a system and how this system is one of the most powerful influences on your financial decision making
- Explore how your money patterns and beliefs have been passed from generation to generation and how siblings from the same family can come out so different financially
Module 6
Life Stages and Their Importance of Fostering Financial Intimacy
What will you do with this one life you have to live?
There are different financial decisions to be made at every crucial stage of life. Are you and your partner on the same page?
In this module you will have the chance to explore with your partner your current stage of life and the money decisions that are in front of you right now. As well as see what’s to come in the future.
You’ll also examine the money decisions made in the past that have impacted your path so far and those stages and decisions which are on the horizon.
- Discover how different stages of life development shaped your expectations with money
- Develop the ability to transition through the different adult stages of life with money with ease
Module 7
Exposing The Invisible Impacts of Social Class on Financial Intimacy
Blue-collar, White-collar, and all the collar colors in between.
Our experiences of social class shape our financial intimacy in both expected and unexpected ways.
Taking the time to really name and identify you and your partner's relationship with your current economic position and any past social class positions can powerfully shift the way you and your partner relate to each other around money.
- Explore your life through the lens of social class and how it impacts your financial decision making
- Learn to talk about how your current social class position impacts you and your children
Module 8
Talking Mental Health & Trauma: Crucial to Financial Intimacy
Who me? Perhaps you don’t believe you’ve experienced trauma in the past. Or you’ve resigned yourself to just sucking it up because that’s what people do, right?
Recognizing and healing your trauma may be the best and hardest thing you can do to improve your financial intimacy.
In this module, you will learn how to identify any traumas in your background and how they impact you, your partnership, and your relationship with money.
No course can heal your trauma completely. But this course will serve as an important step in understanding your trauma's and how they’ve impacted you both. This will help you create more financial intimacy and empathy in your life.
- Discover how a wide variety of traumas are at the heart of money pain points and triggers
- Learn how to be part of your partner’s healing journey and develop more empathy for one another
- Transform your perspective from “what’s wrong with me?” to “what happened to me and how did it impact me?”
Module 9
Pursuing and Engaging Financial Planning
At long last the technical stuff.
I know you have been waiting for it or dreading it, but either way, we are here so let’s talk about it.
Many people are intimidated by estate planning, wills, taxes, budgets, retirement, and savings plans. Yet when approached with the tools you’ve learned in this course you’ll find yourself doing things in a new way.
- Make key financial decisions by stepping into each of the major money domains together
- Take important steps to further develop and move forward with your financial plan together
Module 10
Living Life Financially Intimate
Whew!!! You have just taken an incredible journey getting to know yourself, your partner, and your relationship with money. It’s time to celebrate!
What does it feel like to get here?
This is the capstone of the course that will integrate all of the concepts and bring all of the pieces together.
In this module, you’ll sew together all of the concepts you’ve learned so far throughout the course so that you can look at your relationship and finances holistically.
- Create a plan to continue to grow, heal and transform your financial life as you move into the future together, as a team
- Practice financial intimacy, empathy, and understanding together that will continue to transform your relationship for years to come
When you enroll you'll get:
The Couples Guide to Financial Intimacy
($8000 value)
You'll also get these bonuses to help you create the life you crave

Bonus #2
(A $79 Value)
Family Money Tree Course
In this foundational course you'll discover your underlying money beliefs and how they've impacted both your relationship and your financial life.
Bonus #3
(A $39 Value)
Library of Resources
I'm sharing the best resources I’ve found throughout the past 20 years working with money and couples. Topics relating to relationships, financial planning, and financial therapy will help you take your journey deeper.

Plus You’ll Be Backed by a Risk-Free 30 Day Guarantee
The Couples Guide to Financial Intimacy is the most comprehensive, step-by-step guide for couples to learn, heal and grow together as a couple and around their finances. This is for couples committed to change even if they are uncertain about what it will take.
If you don’t feel this program is a good fit for you, we will refund 100% of your money back. Within the first 30 days of purchase, send an email to [email protected] showing that you’ve completed the work by watching the videos for Modules 1 & 2 and have completed the associated worksheets. We ask that you let us know what wasn’t working for you so we can continue to improve the program.
The Questions You Want Answered
Is this course for me/us?
How long will it take?
Does My Partner Have To Do The Course With Me?
Do I have to participate in all the parts to be successful?
Will This Stop All Our Money Fights?
What if we need individual or couple attention beyond the program?
What if we are in therapy or need therapy?
What if we need help with financial planning?
What Are The Values Of The Program?
Still have questions? Click here to schedule a 15-minute call with Ed!
Schedule A CallHeal Your Relationship With Your Partner and Your Finances
Still Making Up Your Mind?
You should give The Couples Guide to Financial Intimacy a 30-day risk-free try if you are motivated by the following:
You want your relationship back... like... really badly.
You know your life and finances feel out of control. You want to restore hope and joy.
You want to feel competent and capable in your intimate relationship and finances. You are great at what you do in your work life, but this is the area that still needs care and help.
Let’s be honest, I created this course for the person I used to be...
...both way back in 2006 when I just got married and even just a few short years ago when we were dealing with dramatic changes in our financial reality. I would have loved to know what I know now back then. It would have saved so much heartache and financial frustration.
I am excited to share what I know both personally and professionally about living a financially intimate life.
I know you are capable of great things. I have worked with many people like you who have overcome the odds, worked hard and diligently, and have more success than they ever imagined and yet it has left them wanting.
Let’s go on this journey of fostering financial intimacy together.
A Final Note From Ed:

You have big hopes and a vision for your relationship no matter where you stand with your partner and money.
You may be starting this journey from a place of deep despair and hopelessness, numbness, conflict, and defeat.
You might be neutral and have some hope that you can make some progress.
Maybe you have been working on your relationship for some time and this is the next stage of growth in your relationship.
No matter where you are on this journey, what I share with you in this course will help you transform your relationship with yourself, your partner and money.
You are not alone.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
You can reduce the frequency, intensity, and recovery time from money disagreements. Building and sustaining financial intimacy is a lifelong journey and one so worth taking.
It will show up in the little moments like when you take the garbage and recycling out with your wife and you walk back to the house arm and arm with a shared sense of gratitude.
It will also mean that you can look back over your relationship and recognize the challenges, setbacks and fights you have had and what you learned from those painful points along the journey of financial intimacy.
I have spent my life helping people. Whether it was teaching little kids to swim (no small feat), running into burning buildings as a firefighter, or now as a couples therapist specializing in financial therapy.
I help people move through scary obstacles into a better, more stable, and more satisfying life. That's why I work with couples and finances. I believe that when couples get on the same page with money and communicate better with each other about their hopes, dreams, fears, and anxieties they create a rock solid foundation for a lifetime of happiness, love, and financial prosperity.
I look forward to having you join me on this journey of transformation.
I can’t wait to see you in The Couples Guide to Financial Intimacy.
If you read this far and still have questions shoot us an email at [email protected] Let’s see what we can do to help you take the journey towards financial intimacy.