Healthy Love and Money Blog

Develop intimacy and trust with your partner and in your finances
Top 6 Defense Mechanisms Impacting Your Relationship And Finances defense mechanisms emotions Dec 09, 2021

Defense mechanisms are the way that we try to psychologically protect ourselves from things that seem overwhelming or threatening. 

This can be anything from being confronted with a big loss, like th...

How Denial and Avoidance Ruin Your Finances And Love Life communication defense mechanisms Nov 23, 2021

Denial is a common defense mechanism where you refuse to accept facts or reality.

Avoidance is a defense mechanism where you might avoid dealing with a tough issue through different behaviors and res...

What Is Defensive Projection And How Do You Overcome It? defense mechanisms Nov 16, 2021

Projection is a psychological defense mechanism where someone avoids recognizing their unacceptable impulses and traits by projecting them onto another person. 

In relationships, projection can be ha...

6 Steps To Stop Gaslighting From Ruining Your Relationship communication defense mechanisms financial empathy Nov 08, 2021

Gaslighting is when someone tries to convince you that your sense of reality is wrong and not based on facts or evidence. Gaslighting can be very damaging to relationships. However, it’s not always ma...

How Emotional Invalidation Impacts Your Relationship and Finances attachment style defense mechanisms Oct 28, 2021

Emotional Validation is an essential part of human interaction. It's a critical communication tool and an expression of acceptance and connection within relationships especially with family members. T...

What Is Defensiveness and How It Becomes A Vicious Cycle communication defense mechanisms Oct 20, 2021

Defensiveness is a psychological defense mechanism that is often used in response to criticism. 

This psychological defense mechanism is often used by couples during conflict and can lead to a viciou...

What Is Stonewalling and How It Damanges Your Relationship? communication defense mechanisms Oct 13, 2021

Stonewalling is a psychological defense mechanism that’s often used by a member of a couple during conflict. It is best known as the silent treatment or the cold shoulder.  

It can be especially dest...