How To Hire A Financial Therapist That Is Right For You
Sep 01, 2020
Finding the Right Financial Therapist
When you have decided that financial therapy is right for you, next comes the task of finding the right therapist for you and your needs. This is key to therapy being successful. You must form a relationship of trust with a therapist when discussing things as intimate and personal as your finances and your marriage/relationship. You want to know they want what is best for you, and for you to reach the goals you have. You also want someone who will be honest and push you if needed. You do not want a “yes” person; you want a therapist to show you alternatives and tell you if they disagree with you.
Equally important is knowing how the therapist practices. The complex set of tools they use comes from formal and informal education, additional studies, personal experiences and so much more. All these things are integrated into the approach they take to money management and therapy. It also forms the direction they take to get you to your goals. Knowing what to expect from them will help you decide if they are the therapist for you.
All of this means you’ll need to ask questions. You need to know how they work and whether you are going to be able to work together. To know any of that, you’ll have to not only research them (read their websites, listen to their interviews, read their articles) but also interview them. Find out if they come from a financial or mental health background. Ask them what their process looks like? What is their own experience with money and therapy?
I know these questions seem personal, but a good financial therapist will have had experience with both and be able to explain how they have benefited from exploring their own relationship with money. This also creates financial empathy. They will understand what you are going through, having walked their own path to discovering their money stories and improving their personal relationships.
Getting Started
You’ve found your therapist, great! Now you are wondering what to expect, what comes next. Of course, that will be different with every therapist and depend on how they work. Undoubtedly, there will be the get-acquainted conversations about what you want to achieve through therapy. You’ll discuss where you are currently, what your money story and background may be, what your feelings and experiences are around money.
Then together you will develop a plan. There is no magic fairy dust or quick fix, there will be work. This is a self-directed process with the therapist there to guide you along the way. It will not be a straight path. There will be twists and turns, leading to self-discovery, healing, review, reflection, and probably course changes along the way. The reward when you reach the finish line will be a better connection to your money, financial security, and more joy.
Meeting Expectations
What can you expect from working with a financial therapist? The best financial therapist is both dedicated and committed to helping you on your journey to financial security, and to making sure the goals you set for yourself are met. They will integrate the education and life experiences they have and form a process that will assist you, in reaching those goals. If you are not in the place, you would like to be financially, if dealing with money is harder than you ever expected, and you are not sure why, consider working with a financial therapist. They are the most qualified person to guide you to better financial well-being and more intimacy and joy in your relationships around money.
Would you like more 1 on 1 support? Then perhaps Therapy Informed Financial Planning is for the two of you. I invite you to schedule your free 30-minute discovery call today.
Wishing You Healthy Love and Money,
Ed Coambs
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